Metaye Store

5-Full Moon Bowl Sound Therapy 

Five Bowl Sound Therapy: $268/session

Get through the two veins of Ren and Du

Long Covid symptoms | Improve overall immunity | Enhance microcirculation

Depression Sound Therapy 

Depression sound therapy $288/session

Activate and repair neuron cells, Neurotransmitter balance disorder, good for depressive states

Insomnia/Anxiety Sound Therapy 

Insomnia, anxiety sound therapy  $299

Relieve stress | Purify negative energy | Regulate internal organs | Relax your body | Adjust your mood | Clears and balances the seven chakras

Cardiopulmonary Sound Therapy 

Cardiopulmonary Sound Therapy $299/session

Relieve chest tightness and relieve sadness

Regulate heart rate acceleration, strengthen cardiorespiratory energy chronic microcirculation and other issues

Bladder Meridian Sound Therapy 

Bladder Meridian Sound Therapy $299/session

Unclog the meridians | Quickly detoxify and improve immunity | Relieve muscle pain in the head, shoulders, back, waist, buttocks, etc.

Varicose Vein Sound Therapy 

Varicose Vein Therapy $188/session

Singing Bowl 12 Meridians and Gong 7 Chakras Concert 

Singing bowl twelve meridian and gong seven chakra concert $58/person/session

Singing Bowl 12 Meridians and Gong 7 Chakras Concert

Singing Bowl Twelve Meridians and Gong Seven Chakras  4 hours Immersive Concert $188/person/half day 

Singing Bowl 12 Meridians and Gong 7 Chakras Concert

Singing Bowl Twelve Meridians and Gong Seven Chakras Full-Day Immersive Mindfulness Concert
